Hello world!

Photo taken on Jun. 2nd, 2021.

Hello, I am Sanghoon Kim, currently working for Lunit Inc. as a Web front-end engineer.

My e-mail address is: seiker (AT) kaist.ac.kr
Here is my CV: CV_202306.pdf (last updated May. 2023)

Work Experience

Web Front-End Engineer, Lunit Inc.

2021 Work Highlights

2022 Work Highlights


Google Machine Learning Bootcamp 2022

Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST)

Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST)


International Conferences

Domestic Conferences

Domestic Journals



Research Experience

Paper Reviewer

Internship at iVADER Lab., UNIST (Advisor: Prof. Sungahn Ko)

Internship at NECSST Lab., UNIST (Advisor: Prof. Sam H. Noh)

Open Source Software Contributions


Lunit Frontend Components

The project has been moved to osd-react-renderer.

###Other Experience

Invited Talk, Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, UNIST

Teaching Assistant, School of Computing, KAIST

International Exchange Student to HKUST, Hong Kong

Domestic Exchange Student to Seoul National University, South Korea


Gary Marsden Travel Awards (GMTA) 2022

Academic Performance Scholarship from Mar. 2015 to Aug. 2019

Dean's List for three times, UNIST

Excellence Award (3rd) in UNIST×NAVER D2SF×LikeLion Hackathon

Excellence Award (6th) in 2017 Korea Supercomputing Challenge