Hello world!

Photo taken on Jun. 2nd, 2021.
Hello, I am Sanghoon Kim, currently working for Lunit Inc. as a Web front-end engineer.
My e-mail address is: seiker (AT) kaist.ac.kr
Here is my CV: CV_202306.pdf (last updated May. 2023)
Work Experience
Web Front-End Engineer, Lunit Inc.
- Aug. 2021 - Present
- Working as a TRP (Technical Research Personnel) for fulfilling military service.
- Developing an annotation tool and a back office console for pathologists to better-annotate cancer cells and tissues from large-scale slide images, thus improving cancer prediction quality of artificial intelligence models.
- Worked on the front-end development of the vision-language multimodal radiology solution, which was demonstrated on the 10th anniversary event. (News link)
2021 Work Highlights
- Improved the rendering performance of the annotation tool up to 4.2x faster with optimizing Redux action dispatches and custom hooks (Blog article).
- Migrated the default bundler of the annotation tool from create-react-app to Vite.js, resulting in up to 2x faster production bundling performance (Blog article).
2022 Work Highlights
- Improved the manageability and reliability of the back office console by updating legacy dependencies, such as Material UI v4 to v5, applying ESLint rules, and resolving 250+ errors and warnings from the rules.
- Integrate Sentry and Elastic APM for tracking issues and exceptions on the annotation tool and the console.
- Wrote and significantly improved tens of documentation and references for the applications, ranging from project management to module references, postmortems, technical reports, and onboarding documents.
Google Machine Learning Bootcamp 2022
- Jun. 2022 - Oct. 2022
- Learned development techniques in the field of deep learning utilizing TensorFlow and PyTorch.
- Earned the following credentials with the support of the Google Developers Group:
- TensorFlow Developer Certificate (expires Aug. 2025)
- Deep Learning Specialization
- Natural Language Processing Specialization
- Machine Learning Engineering for Production
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST)
- Sep. 2019 - Aug. 2021
- M.Sc. in Computer Science, advised by Prof. In-Young Ko
- Thesis: A Conversational Service Mashup Model to Support End-User Service Mashup in IoT Environments
- Scholarship supported by Korean government with monthly stipend of at least KRW 800,000 (about $800)
- Total GPA 4.05 / 4.3
Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST)
- Mar. 2015 - Aug. 2019
- B.Sc. magna cum laude in Electrical and Computer Engineering
- Majored in Computer Science and Engineering, and minored in Management Engineering
- Total GPA 3.78 / 4.3, Major GPA 3.99 / 4.3
International Conferences
- C. Lee, S. Park, H. Song, J. U. Ryu, S. Kim, H. Kim, S. Pereira, and D. Yoo, "Interactive Multi-Class Tiny-Object Detection," CVPR '22.
- S. Kim and I.-Y. Ko, "A Conversational Approach for Modifying Service Mashups in IoT Environments," CHI '22.
- C. Lee, S. Kim, D. Han, H. Yang, Y. Park, B. C. Kwon, and S. Ko, "GUIComp: Design and Evaluation of Mobile GUI Design Assistant with Real-Time, Multi-Faceted Feedback," CHI '20.
Domestic Conferences
- K.D. Baek, S. Kim, and I.-Y. Ko, "Development of Platform-independent IoT Service Framework for Solving Heterogeneity Problem (이종성 문제 해결을 위한 플랫폼 독립적인 IoT 서비스 프레임워크)," KSC2020.
- S. Kim and I.-Y. Ko, "Conversational Services Composition Model to Support End-User Services Composition in IoT Environments (IoT 환경에서 최종 사용자 서비스 조합을 지원하기 위한 대화형 서비스 조합 모델)," KCC2020. [Best Paper Award]
- S. Kim and I.-Y. Ko, "Precondition and Goal State Assertion for Improving the Reliability of Trigger-Action Based Service Mashup (트리거-액션 기반 서비스 매쉬업의 신뢰도를 개선하기 위한 전제 상태 및 목표 상태 검증 방법)," KCSE 2020 Short.
Domestic Journals
- S. Kim and I.-Y. Ko, "A User-Centric Conversational Service Mashup Model and Engine (사용자 중심의 대화형 IoT 서비스 매쉬업 모델과 엔진)," Journal of KIISE, 48(5), pp. 584-594, May 2021.
- K. Kim, S. Kim, C. Lee, and S. Ko, Poster: Modeling Exploration/Exploitation Decisions through Mobile Sensing for Understanding Mechanisms of Addiction, MobiSys '19 Poster.
- Y. Han, C. Lee, S. Kim, and S. Ko, Poster: System Architecture for Progressive Augmented Reality, MobiSys '19 Poster.
- An Implicature-Based Interaction Model to Modify Automation Rules in IoT Environments. Korea Patent No. 10-2429334, Aug. 01, 2022 (고인영, 김상훈. IoT 환경에서 자동화 규칙을 수정하기 위한 함축 기반 상호작용 모델. 등록번호 10-2429334).
- Conversational Services Composition Model to Support End-User Services Composition in IoT Environments. Korea Patent No. 10-2395122, May 02, 2022 (고인영, 김상훈. IoT 환경에서 최종 사용자 서비스 조합을 지원하기 위한 대화형 서비스 조합 모델. 등록번호: 10-2395122).
Research Experience
Paper Reviewer
- ACM CHI 2023, Late-Breaking Work (LBW) Track
- PACM IMWUT 2021 (UbiComp 2021)
Internship at iVADER Lab., UNIST (Advisor: Prof. Sungahn Ko)
- Jan. 2018 - May 2019
- Participated in a project which helps developers to design and prototype mobile application in iterative process.
- Participated in a project which aims to help user's decision among multiple coordinated charts and visualizations.
Internship at NECSST Lab., UNIST (Advisor: Prof. Sam H. Noh)
- Sep. 2016 - Aug. 2017
- Studied briefly about Linux kernel, distributed computer & storage systems, and flash memory & FTL (Flash Translation Layer).
Open Source Software Contributions
Lunit Frontend Components
The project has been moved to osd-react-renderer.
- Fix a bug where changing the url of a tiledImage caused a crash (#151)
- Added support for custom tileSource (#148)
- Fix min / max zoom level is not applied (#147)
###Other Experience
Invited Talk, Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, UNIST
- Mar 31st, 2023
- Presented a career talk titled "Between Research and Development: Web Frontend Development by Technical Research Personnel"
Teaching Assistant, School of Computing, KAIST
- Introduction to Services Computing (CS459), 2020 Fall (Sep. 2020 - Dec. 2020). [Best TA Award]
- Data Structure (CS206), 2020 Spring (Mar. 2020 - Jun. 2020). [Best TA Award]
- Introduction to Services Computing (CS459), 2019 Fall (Sep. 2019 - Dec. 2019).
International Exchange Student to HKUST, Hong Kong
- 2018 Summer semester (Jun. 2018 - Aug. 2018)
Domestic Exchange Student to Seoul National University, South Korea
- 2016 Summer semester (Jun. 2016 - Aug. 2016)
- 2016 Winter semester (Dec. 2016 - Feb. 2017)
Gary Marsden Travel Awards (GMTA) 2022
- Awarded $2,655 of travel support by ACM SIGCHI for the CHI '22 attendance.
Academic Performance Scholarship from Mar. 2015 to Aug. 2019
- Full-tuition scholarship with monthly stipend of KRW 160,000 (about $160).
Dean's List for three times, UNIST
- GPA from 2017 Spring: 3.92 / 4.3
- GPA from 2018 Spring: 4.10 / 4.3
- GPA from 2018 Fall: 4.05 / 4.3
Excellence Award (3rd) in UNIST×NAVER D2SF×LikeLion Hackathon
- Nov. 23rd, 2018 - Nov. 24th, 2018
- Awarded by LikeLion foundation with KRW 1,000,000 (about $1,000) in prize.
Excellence Award (6th) in 2017 Korea Supercomputing Challenge
- Jul. 27th, 2017 - Jul. 28th, 2017
- Awarded by the president of KSCSE (Korean Society for Computational Science and Engineering).